How to Get 5 Pieces of Content From ONE Blog Post

The pressure to be everywhere is real, isn’t it? Somehow, the content you create is never enough. Did you publish a blog post? Good, but what about social media posts? What about a video or a podcast episode? What about a newsletter?

I seriously get it—the need for content is unending. Of course, you want your business to get all the visibility possible. But let’s be real, creating all that content takes time and effort. And even if you were to outsource some of it, it can quickly exhaust your budget.

But here’s the thing: you don’t have to start from scratch every time you want to create new content. Why not make the most out of what you have? What if I told you that you can get 5 different pieces of content from just ONE well-crafted blog post?

Yes, it’s absolutely possible—through repurposing your content. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Content Repurposing?

Content repurposing, also known as content recycling, is the process of taking existing content and transforming it into different formats or placing it in a different context, making it fresh and relevant for new audiences. Essentially, you’re taking one piece of content and adapting it for different platforms and mediums.

Some examples would be turning a podcast episode into a blog post, creating reels from a YouTube video, or using quotes from a blog post to create social media graphics. You get the idea!

Because you already have the core content ready, the process of repurposing is much faster and more cost-effective compared to creating new content from scratch. On top of that, it makes your content more versatile and accessible to a wider audience who may prefer consuming content in different formats.

One Blog, Five Uses: 5 Repurposing Ideas

I chose to focus on repurposing blog posts because it’s arguably the easiest and most common form of content repurposing. Plus, blogs are a great medium for SEO and can serve as a central hub for all your content. That’s along with the chances being very high that you already publish blog posts regularly. So, here’s how to stretch your blog post to its full potential.

1. Create a Script for a YouTube Video

I don’t believe that people don’t read blog posts, but I do believe that not everyone likes to read. 

In this case, if you already have a YouTube channel (which is a great idea since YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google), creating a YouTube video out of your blog post will allow you to tap into a whole new audience who prefer consuming information through visual and auditory means.

To create a script, you can simply use the main points of your blog post as a guideline and expand on them, and add an intro, outro, and CTA. Remember that you don’t need to cover every single detail in your blog post, but rather create a summarized version to keep your video short and engaging.

2. Start a Tweet Thread

If you use Twitter for your business (or should I say “X”), you could easily start a Tweet thread using the main points and quotes from your blog post. This is a great way to promote your blog post, as well as engage with your Twitter followers in a conversational manner.

You can also use this opportunity to ask questions, gather feedback, or start a discussion related to the topic of your blog post. Plus, tweet threads have been proven to increase engagement by up to  54% and reach by up to 63% as opposed to just adding a link to the blog post in a tweet.

3. Share Key Points in Your Newsletter

Many businesses simply either add a section to their newsletter with the title of their latest blog post and a link to it, or they send a separate email to promote the new content. However, I can bet that the open and click rates of those emails are rather low.

Instead, try sharing some key points from your blog post in the newsletter itself (again, a summarized version–not copy-paste). These will act as teasers, and entice your subscribers to click on the link to read more. Plus, even if they don’t click, they will still have gained some value from the newsletter itself.

4. Pick a Main Point and Turn It Into a Tweet-Style Instagram Reel

When it comes to Instagram, reels, followed by carousels, are the most engaging types of posts. Specifically, super short reels tend to perform the best (think 4-10 seconds). To leverage this, you don’t necessarily need to create a full-blown reel (although that would be ideal). 

Instead, pick one of the main points from your blog post and turn it into a tweet-style Instagram reel. These are the ones you see on Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok where text is displayed on top of an image or video, typically with an upbeat background song.

This will help you stay consistent with your content, repurpose your blog post into a different format, and also reach a new audience on Instagram. Plus, who knows? Maybe it’ll even go viral!

5. Create Social Media Graphics

Last but not least, since visual content is highly engaging on social media platforms, so why not create some graphics to promote your blog post? This could be an eye-catching quote from the blog post, a statistic, or a data point.

You can easily create graphics using free tools like Canva or even just with your phone’s built-in editing software. Once you have the graphics, share them on all of your social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) and encourage your followers to read the full blog post by including a link in the caption (or bio if it’s. a platform like Instagram).

Pro Tip: For LinkedIn, this also gives you the opportunity to add a personal touch or share additional insights that may not have made it into the blog post, making it more valuable for your followers–especially if you’re posting on your professional profile–not the company page.

Ready to Give Your Content a Fresh Spin?

That wasn’t too hard, right? Now you know how to maximize the reach and impact of every blog post you create, so don’t let your old blog posts gather dust and just hope that people will stumble upon them. Instead, give them a fresh spin and bring them back into the spotlight by repurposing them using these five simple methods.

And speaking of blog posts, as you see, they’re the starting point for many other pieces of content, so the more consistent you are with creating and publishing blog posts, the easier it will be to repurpose them into other formats and stay consistent everywhere else as well.

P.S.: If you need help with that level of consistency with your blog, I’d love to lend a helping hand! Let’s set a time to chat and see how we can work together to always keep your blog section fresh.

Reem Abouemera

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